Sunday, June 2, 2013

Pleasing Me!

 Go ahead and get your mind out of the gutter now!

I'm quite aware at this point in my life that I'm a hard person to please... I do have high expectations and this become an issue when people expect less of themselves
Than I do of them. Why do people take so offense to high standards and high expectations? What does that say about what you think about yourself? Assuming that you are automatically going to fail. I believe you should surround yourself with people who lift you up and make you want together the best person you an be. Not just finding people more fucked up than yourself so that you feel slightly more "normal". So much effort is placed on normalcy and having people like you.. In reality I know that I'm a great person and I love to a fault. I'm the friend that you can call at two a.m. And still expect me to be there for you. Something I've proven to those who have known me for a while. If someone doesn't like me that's there loss not mine. My life has enough negativity without adding yours.

At the end of the day... I love myself... Faults and praises! Can you say the same thing? A lot of people can't!

I've had a rough past week... I legitimately feel like I've lost a best friend because our priorities are different and we are unable to effectively communicate. Communication is key to any type of relationship. He disagrees with that. At this point it doesn't even seem to matter to him that things aren't right and I've put up with the bullshit for long enough to be pissed off by it at this point. I'm 26, almost 27, and you just wanna throw it under the rug like it didn't happen? That's like a volcano just waiting to erupt. I'd rather face it now than later when things are completely Unresolvable... Which at this point I think they are anyways.

Time can heal all wounds... But you never forget!

On a side note- I took our puppy to the vet to get her puppy shots bolstered and her rabies vaccination administered. She weighs 17 lbs now... Mid January when we got her from animal control she weighed just under 4 lbs. she's such a little piglet.

How can you not fall in love with that face?

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